Reset Joomla password with phpMyAdmin

If you have lost your Joomla administrator password, you can reset it in your MySQL database using phpMyAdmin. Here is how to do it:

  1. Log in to your Joomla web hosting account and find where to administrate the MySQL database for your Joomla website
  2. Log in to your Joomla database, usually via phpMyAdmin interface
  3. Find the _users database and click on it (normally preceded by your account name, i. e. accountname_users)
  4. Find the record for your account, usually with usertype = Super Administrator
  5. In the password field you will find a string of characters. That is your old password encoded. You will not be able to retrieve your old password, but you will be able to reset the password to a new one using mySQL’s built in MD5 function. Just click SQL and run this query:
    UPDATE example_users SET password=MD5(‘new password’) WHERE usertype = “Super Administrator”;
    (put in your new password where it says ‘new password above)
  6. Click ‘Run’ and you have reset your Joomla password!



Worked professionally with Joomla! CMS since its birth in 2005. Today, I work more with WordPress, even though I'm following what happens in the Joomla world with much interest and still consider it a great CMS. Would love if you connect with me!

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