Send a Newsletter to your Youtube subscribers – a Bulletin

Now you can communicate with your Youtube subscirbers by sending your newsletter to them through the function called “Channel Bulletins”.

A Bulletin is an update that you send from you Youtube Channel to all your subscribers. Why not send them an update about how you are working with your new video or remind them about an old video that will add value to their life.

Your Bulletin or newsletter will be shown at several places for your subscirbers:

  • In your subscribers feed of recent activities (on their homepage)
  • In your Channel’s homepage in the feed of recent activities
  • In the module showing “recent activities” for your subscribers viewing any content on your Channel
  • In an email summary that your subscribers can receive if they chose opt to

How do I send a Youtube Bulletin?

  1. Go to your Channel Page
  2. Click the Post button above your Channels background
  3. Write your text and maybe add a video or a playlist link that you want to share and click Post.

Tip: Use AutoShare to automatically share your newsletter with your connected social media accounts.


Worked professionally with Joomla! CMS since its birth in 2005. Today, I work more with WordPress, even though I'm following what happens in the Joomla world with much interest and still consider it a great CMS. Would love if you connect with me!

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1 Response

  1. February 7, 2018

    […] should be your top priority, communicate with them as soon as you take a new video live. Bulletin is a simple and efficient feature that sends out a newsletter to all your subscribers. YouTubers […]

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