5 trends for modern web design [infographic]

web design trends

Trends in web design are not to be taken lightly. It’s not just fashion. Web design must be functional and bring results. These five trends for modern web design have been formed by research and analytics of website visitor’s behavior. So don’t just follow it “because everybody else does it”. Do it for yourself. Do it for your business. Do it for your website’s visitors. (Skip to infographic ▼)

1. Evolution of flat design

The time has passed when companies want their logos and icons pop up on their sites to attract users’ attention. How are laptops more and more in use, designers are ready to create design elements that are displayed easily on flat screens.

So the flat design elements are the most wanted in modern web design, but this industry rarely has tended to stagnate. Constant progression of flat design means that the layered design will be more prevalent in the future. However, flat design in its most basic form is here to stay for a while.

2. Responsive will surpass mobile design

For 2015 it is anticipated that the number of Internet users use mobile devices to exceed conventional laptop and desktop computers. So far, this challenge is solved by creating a separate mobile site. However, the mobile site along with regular means that account must be taken of two separate online campaign.

It seems that further Google improvements does not leave room for the creation of two separate site. Time is money and the goal is to find ways to save time and create meaningful design that is not only impressive but also ensures that it might be fulfilled sense of creating an online presence.

3. More of scrolling and fewer clicks

Web sites that consist of several dozen websites, offering products and services are no longer popular. Not only can they be irritating, sometimes they are the reason why your customers leave the site and never come back. In the future, the scrolling will be more popular than clicking, as users increasingly want to see everything you have to offer on one page, rather than viewing each page.

Although it seems that sites with more sites have more SEO benefits, the evolution of the design is likely to divert focus more towards providing content in the form of one-page web site. The reason is that the smart phones are designed to make people more in love with scrolling.

When we talk about scrolling, we must not forget the sites with parallax scrolling. Good web design is one to be remembered and whose whereabouts are saying. One of the most recent trends is just parallax scrolling. Many successful brands have already moved to the parallax shift because it adds an impressive effect their performance. Parallax is perfect for sites that should tell a story, used to display objects or backgrounds that are moving at different speeds, and thus to make an impressive visual effect on users.

4. The incorporation of HTML5 Video

Under the video does not mean the promotional video ads than HTML5 videos that can be run in the background of your site. How our brain processes faster than other forms of visual information, this technique can better highlight your strengths and services and achieve better effect in the short term. There are many ways in which videos can be embedded in HTML pages, and many brands have already turned them in their web design.

5. Less is more

Surprisingly, the evolution of many design elements and technology development, the need for devising a design that is minimal is always the main motive of designers. With so many websites designed with innovative design methods that are trendy, users will prefer to choose a design that has a nice sized picture with a taste which do not burden users with too much information visually.

The future can not be predicted with certainty, however, the rate at which web development and design developing, allows us to see what innovative and exceptional design ideas we can expect in the future.

Blockquote and Infographic by Techinfographics.com

5 predictions for modern web design


Worked professionally with Joomla! CMS since its birth in 2005. Today, I work more with WordPress, even though I'm following what happens in the Joomla world with much interest and still consider it a great CMS. Would love if you connect with me!

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